KEY WORD: Excited!!
This morning I followed my usual daily
routine, woke up, brushed my teeth, fixed myself a hot cup of herbal tea, sat
at my desk and responded to some of my client’s emails…then, I get a text from
one of my bff’s asking, “Is your book out yet? Where can I get a copy?”
I was so ecstatic that I was finally going to
sale a copy to my first customer, (Yay!)
I know there are some people out there who think writing a book must be easy, but it actually takes a lot of hard work, patience, and persistence. Especially when it takes up mostly your whole day to
write your own personal biography to share it with the public in order to attempt in inspiring and motivating others to make positive changes in their daily lives in your own words.
To tell you the truth, before I even started to write the book, I hesitated so much
to publish it because this was the first time I was going to share some of my personal life stories out to the public! Then on one particular day, after I had it all typed up and ready to go, and was still sitting in my USB drive, a friend of mine called me up saying, “if you believe your message will
help inspire others to change their lives the same way you changed yours, then
what’s stopping you? Publish it already!”
Nothing was stopping me except myself. So, that was the day I published it. I wouldn’t say it’s
based on my whole life story, but only significant events in my life that helped open up my eyes to
see the world in a different perspective.
And the knowledge I gained from
my great-grandmother about herbal remedies, had also helped me tremendously
which I also share to my readers as an alphabetical glossary at the end of the
book. Not all herbs are listed, just
only the ones I’ve used that I have found helpful and beneficial to my health.
October of 2012, my father passed away due to Kidney Failure (had to go
through Kidney Dialysis treatment - which was not fun), Clogged Heart Arteries
(wore a heart pace-maker to keep his heart pumping), Diabetes (both of his legs
were amputated due to it) and throughout all of that, I was prepping my meals,
and followed a strict workout regimen in order to keep my promise to him that I
was going to compete in a Bikini Fitness Competition no matter what
Sadly, he passed away before my
competition date, November 2012, but I knew he was there in the audience
congratulating me for a job well done. I
didn’t place, but doing something that I had thought was beyond what I was
capable of doing was a major accomplishment for me.
A few weeks after the competition, I fell into a sorrowful depression to where I was eating my feelings away mostly due to the loss of my
father. That's when I gained my wait back. And before I even decided to write my book, I
was diagnosed with Anemia which had shocked me entirely not knowing what to
expect from the disease. I don’t blame
it on anything or anyone except myself. And
after recollecting the traumatic experiences my father had gone through before he had passed away, I
decided to get back into following healthier lifestyle by improving my eating habits,
working out regularly, and obtaining a spiritual balance. In other words, it was time to focus on my
health and on “me” for a change.
That’s when my whole career outlook started to
change as well. I was persuaded by another friend of mine to obtain my certification as a holistic life coach that maybe
perhaps I would shed some light or at least some sort of motivation/inspiration to help
those who might be suffering in their lives and/or need to break free from
their life struggles/tribulations.
thought I would be the perfect person for the job. Since then, I have never looked back. I am now a certified life coach and have been
for a while now, teaching others to improve their way of eating and living by using different methods & resources given to me by mentors I had met throughout my lifetime. In addition, I also gained knowledge and experience in becoming an Interior Decorator, Entrepreneur, Author,
Writer, and Blogger. However, that’s only
the beginning. I have many more future career plans ahead of me that I would like to accomplish. I am currently in the process of writing a Young Adult Fantasy novel, and maybe possibly even launching a magazine. And that's not the half of it. I have much more in store for my readers, customers, and clients in my near not too distant future. That’s what life is all about right? Enjoying Life and the Journey.

For those of you who have purchased my ebook
and/or a paperback copy of my book, I really do appreciate it by the way, a huge
THANK YOU TO all of you times a million!!!
Those of you who have not read it yet, I AM Super Excited that it is finally
available to you on Amazon and Nook! I’m hoping you will enjoy reading it as much as
my other readers have enjoyed it.
Once after
you read my book, I will really appreciate it immensely if you leave your positive feedback and reviews. I am so thankful I
have your full support throughout my writing career. It’s a true blessing that we now have the
capability to self-publish our own books on the Internet, especially now that
we have I-Pad, Tablets, and Nooks. Isn’t
it amazing to know how far we’ve come?
To give you a sneak peak of my book, I figured
I would share with you a few paragraphs of what to expect:
This is an excerpt from Chapter 2, Making A Commitment To Positive Change of Section 4 from my book
titled, “Holistic Life Journey: Break
Free From Your Cocoon & Reach Your True Potential”.
A Commitment To Positive Change
"Have you ever wondered
why you have trouble waking up in the mornings to work out? Do you have a tendency
of prolonging your goals or task lists due to lack of motivation or you wait in
anticipation in hopes that it will take care of itself? Well, that is the monster
that lives inside of us all doing everything in its power to prevent
change. The monster will lead you to
procrastinate and force you to come up with excuses for not using different
tools and resources to help you gain success.
This dark energy is comfortable where it resides and builds a survival
mechanism to protect itself from positive change. That’s the reason why change is so difficult
for us and why positive thinking always fails.
What we believe in a
subconscious level determines what we make of our own beliefs. Alter your belief and you can change the
reality that you experience. Convince
yourself in a subconscious level that you have acquired everything you want even
when your present situation does not appear that way. In your mind, you become that what you
imagine yourself to be.
What we believe is based on our perceptions and what we
perceive depends upon what we look for; and what we look for depends upon what
we think. If you keep telling yourself
that you are having a bad day, then that’s how your day will turn out. So, if you’ve been told all of your life that
you will never amount to anything, then that is what has been welded into your
subconscious and that’s the reality you will experience.
You must believe
within yourself that you deserve happiness, success, love, wealth, and good
health. Don’t feel the least bit guilty
about obtaining those feelings and emotions.
For many of us, we all have an unconscious gift about being happy and
you need to remove those feelings from your subconscious once and for all.
Why do we feel guilty
about being happy? Well, it’s because somewhere along the line, our parents,
our schools, our churches, or our friends have instilled in us beliefs that we
have to suffer in order to be happy, we have to pay a price to obtain happiness,
or we can never be happy because those happy days will always crumble to being
miserable. Well, I’m here to tell you,
all of that is complete nonsense! People say those things to you because they,
themselves, have those same beliefs of lack and limitation. They believe in a core level that they don’t
deserve happiness or success, so why should anyone else?
Most people believe
happiness results from being successful, wealthy, or of good health, when in
fact, the reverse is true. Happiness is
not something that is earned or deserved; it is simply a state of mind by which
our thinking is positive in a good share of the time. If you wait until you feel deserving of
having pleasant thoughts about your life, you’ll end up convincing your
subconscious that you are undeserving of happiness which will result with you
being unhappy and unsuccessful in most of your undertakings.
Regardless of your
present life situation, please keep in mind that it is not selfish or wrong to
be happy. Happiness is a means to an end,
success, and well-being. Happiness is
not something that magically happens to you, it is a feeling you cultivate,
determine, and control. If you are
waiting for happiness to happen to you, you are going to be waiting for a very
long time.
The solution is to ACT and BE HAPPY, even when you are not in
the mood, when you are ill, or when the day is gloomy. Being happy is what winners do and is also
what you should do as well." Copyright © 2015
Head over to THIS LINKKKKK to order your own personal copy of the book or
ebook. You will finally get the chance to read it and use it as your own personal reference guide. I can’t tell you how excited I am to finally
share this book to all of you!!! I am sooooo
beyond appreciative of your continued support.